Dayamaya Guru Karunamaya

Dayamaya Guru Karunamaya ದಯಾಮಯ ಗುರು ಕರುಣಾಮಯ Sri Sat upasi. #ಘನಾನುಭವಸಾರ #ghananubhavasara #srisatupasi #dayamaya #devotionalsongsinkannada #. You are Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Maula, Mahavir and Guru Nanak. You also take the forms of Rama, Krishna and Shiva. You are the essence of the Vedas and the Bhagavad Geetha. You are the God, worshipped by all Faiths. Eshwaramba Priya Thanaya Sri Sathya Sai Nee Divya Charithamu Chadivina Vinina Vinina Chadivina Aanandhamu Daya Maya Sai Karunamaya. Guru Karunamaya Workshop May 6, 2018 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Noah's Event Venue 5280 Town Square Dr. Plano, TX 75024 Get Directions Register 1:00pm-3:00pm- ‘How to.

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Karunamaya Jatra in Newar


Buddhist Culture

- Munindraratna Vajracharya

(This is the summary of the paper presented in Newari during the 'Conference on the Buddhist Heritage of Nepal Mandal' in 1998.)


Dayamaya Guru Karunamaya Song

Every nationality has its own culture. The same culture helps that nationality to adjust in the society. Nepal is a sacred land, a mosaic of different cultures. The country is mainly a meeting point of two main religions, Hinduism and Buddhism. Apart from this, Buddhism occupies a most eminent position in Nepal. Buddhists have a great role in making Nepalese culture a glorious one. As Swayambhu Jyoti originated in the Kathmandu Valley, the civilisation of Nepal began from the Kathmandu Valley. After the emanation of Swayambhu Jyoti, Adi Buddhas and other Buddhas came to Nepal. Nepal is also universally known as the birthplace of Shakyamuni Buddha. Due to the influence of Buddhism, the people were increasingly attracted to the life and deeds of Tattagata Buddha and Bodhisattvas. With the popularity of Mahayana Buddhism, Bodhisattva Lokesvaras were conceived and their images were created in a large number. Due to the quality of Karuna (compassion) of Lokesvaras, they were also called Karunamaya. With the enhancement of the fame of Lokesvara, the number of Lokesvara pantheon increased to 108, and to 360.

The emergence of a large number of Lokesvaras was accompanied by the development of worship rituals, rituals of fasting and recitation of mantras. In this trend of development the Newar Buddhiss worshipped four prominent Lokesvaras. They are : Bungadyo or Lokanath of Patan, Adinath ( Anandadi Lokesvara) of Chovar, Kachapal parvat, Sristikanta Lokesvara of Nala, and Argyaavalokitesvara of Janbaha, Kathmandu. The worship of these Lokesvaras has continued since the ancient times. These Lokesvaras have their special virtues of their own. Sristikanta Lokesvara is known for the deed as creator. Bungadyo of Patan is known as harbinger of rain which is indispensable for growing foodgrains. Adinath Lokesvara of Chovar is known for the virtue of keeping away diseases and improving ane’s luck. And Janabahadyo is remembered for the virtue of prolonging longevity of one’s life. These four Lokesvaras are specially recognised in the Newar Buddhist culture.

As a mark of tribute to the fame of these four Lokesvaras, they are worshipped by all the Buddhist. Prayers are offered. Fasting is observed with piety and devotion. Thus, the Newar Buddhist culture has been kept alive. People perform religious activities for prolonging their lives, for attaining prosperity, for fulfilling their cherished desires and for success in life. It is for these reasons that the Newar Buddhists worship these four Lokesvaras by performing uposadhavrata every Ashtami in a month, by doing Saptavidhanutara satvapuja and by offering pate (parasol). The procession of these Lokesvaras is taken out every year by devotees with and fanfare. If the procession of Bungadyo and Chakvadyo of Patan and Janabahadyo of Kathmandu is taken out with the participation of a great number of people, Chovadyo and Nala Karunamaya are also taken out in procession. But in a different manner with mirth and jubilation.

These festivals demonstrate religious tolerance between Hindus and Buddhists as both the religious people take part in these festivals quite enthusiastically. But, nowadays no effort has been made to preserve and promote this cultural. There is foreign culture invasion against these native culture in the present time. Due to upheavals in political forces, inflow of foreign nationals, outflow of native people and due to economic problems, the time–hnoured culture is disappearing. An attempt has been made here to give a special highlight of Karunamaya Jatra of Patan which has been continuing since the ancient times and which has been given recognition by the nation as whole.

2 Origin of Lokesvara Jatra

A large number of Lokesvaras have appeared in the Pauranic history of Nepal. It is believed that Karunamaya Lokesvara came to earth for the elimination of the sufferings of all sentient beings and for the welfare of mankind. The ancient scripture Gunakarandayuha sutra has mentioned a out the origion of karanamaya. According to this, sutra, Karunamaya Lokesvara in the form of Mahabuddha orAdiduddha was considered to be a protector of the world.

It is not only in the Pawranic period but since the beginning of Nepal’s history, various kings conceived of Karunamayas. Kings who followed Buddhism erected the image of various Lokesvaras. Similarly, various festivab were created toeing. This line, Licchavi king Narendradeva brought Bungadyo (Lkanath) from Kamaru Kamarkshya (Assam) and established the jatra of Bungadyo. Similarly, the practice of taking the procession of Janabahadyo Chovadyo, and Nala Karunamaya was started. Most of the jatras (procession, festival) were discontinued. Some jatras continued to be observed with undiminished enthusiasm and mirth. Of all the jatras, the jatras of Karunamaya Lokesvara is prominent. By observing jatras, the Nepalese people demonstrated social and religious unity.

3. Karunamaya jatra

Among many Lokesvaras that emerged in Nepal, the place of Bungadyo who is also called Raktalokitesvara Karunamaya is of special importance. Bungadyo is still now worshipped as deliverer or benefactor of mankind or giver of rain.

Bungadyo was brought to Nepal from Assam by King Narendradeva, Tantrik Bandhudatta Acharya, Rathchakra Lalit and Karkotak Naga. The procession of this Bodhisattva is taken in a chariot every year after doing the ritual of Nhawan (ritual bath). Separate guthis were created for this Karunamaya jatra Another special attraction of Bungadyo Jatra is the demonstration of Bhoto (vest made of preeious jewels) in which even the King of Nepal takes part. Every 12 year Bungadyo is taken to Patan from Bunga by crossing the river. The Bungadyo jatra is especially connected with the Buddhist culture. First of all, a special musical instrument is played throughout the city of Patan to inform the coming of Bungadyo jatra. Bungadyo is worshipped and sutras are recited to propitiate the god of compassion for all. Guthiyars of various places recite verses and sutras in the name of a host of gods or demons. There are various trusts and income sources in the name of Bungadyo Jatra is observed in the form of a great festival.

While talking about Karunamaya, mention must be made of Chakawadyo Chakawadyo is called Minnath. Minnath is also called Jattadhari Lokesvara. Chakawadyo is a deity who liberated Triloka (earth, heaven and hell ). There is a story in Purana about Chakawadyo. This god was created round the time of Amsuvarma. There is a story which says that the festival of the chariot procession of Chakawadyo is taken before the chariot precession of Bungadyo Therefore, Chakawadyo is given importance equal to one given to Bungadyo.

Adinath Lokesvara of Chovar is one of the four Karunamayas of Nepal. Newars call Adinath Lokesvara in the name of Chovahadyo. The name Anandadi Lokesvara is given to Chovahadyo because this deity blesses the devotees with god health and mental peace. In the past, the charvot procession of Chovadyo is taken out every year. But now, only Nhawan Jatra is done by worshipping with auspicious silver- made Kalash (flask).

Dayamaya Guru Karunamaya Mp3 Download

Among the four noted Karunamayas, Nala Karunamaya was one. He is also called Sristikanta Lokesvara. This Karunamaya is honoured as the creator of the world.

There is a story about the origin of this Karunamaya in Purana. One of the four Karunamayas was lost. Nala Karunamaya was found later. The festival of Nala Karunamaya started in 1935 A.D. Full Moon Day of Phalgun. On completion of this, procession of Nala Karunamaya is taken out by the ritual of Dasakarmavidhi (ten sacraments).

The most important four Karunamayas of Nepal is Aryaavalokitesvara of Janabaha, Kathmandu. He is also called Seto (White) Machhendranath. This Karunamaya is especially known and honoured as a deity capable of liberating all sentient beings. There are legends connected with Janabahadyo (local name of Seto Machhendranath). It is said that an idol of vihar or bahal at Jamal, Kathmandu, was taken to Janbaha, and installed there. A great vihar was constructed there to install the idol. Later, it was called Kanakchaitya Mahavihar. Nhawan of Janbahadyo is observed Jon the Astami of Poush. Dasakarma vidhi is performed. Like Bungadyo, the chariot procession of Janabahadyo is taken out on Astami, Nawami and Dashmi of Chaitra to symbolise the travel to heaven, earth and hell. Hence, Janabahadyo has a special importance of its own.

Conclusion :

The festival of four Lokesvara Karunamayas who are capable of blessing energy indispensable for daily life is observed in Nepal with great faith and devotion. Vrata (fasting) is observed in 12 months to propitiate 12 Karunamayas. Mantra recitation is done in the name of 108 Karunamaya Lokesvaras and 360 Karunamayas. It is therefore evident that Karunamayas occupy a place of great importance in Buddhist literature.

Dayamaya Guru KarunamayaDayamaya guru karunamaya song download

In the context of Nepal, religion and culture are inseparable. Numerous festivals are observed for the preservation of temples, auspicious and sacred days. The only speciality of Buddhist culture is to do good to the entire mankind. But, it is sad to note that religious consciousness is on the wane. There is apathy towards culture. The practice of observing festivals, preserving guthis and rituals has declined due to financial weakness and negligence of the government. This is responsible for the decline of the traditional culture.

Dayamaya Guru Karunamaya Song Lyrics Download Free

Culture is very important in the life of a Newar. Culture is an integral part from birth to death which can be seen in every activity of a Newar household. This culture is protecting the country with the development of culture and civilisation by observing the festivals of Karunamaya. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all to preserve such culture.

Dayamaya Guru Karunamaya Lyrics

Devotional Songs (15 Bhajans)

  1. Allah Yesu Buddha Deva Andharu Neevay
    Maula Sai Mahavira Nanaku Neevay
    Rama Krishna Shiva Roopa Dhariyu Neevay
    Veda Githa Grandhamoola Saramu Neevay
    Mathamulanni Poojinchu Devudu Neevay
    Sarva Dharma Priya Sathya Saivi Neevay
    Sai Ram Sai Ram
    Sai Ram Sathya Sai Ram
    Sai Ram Sai Ram
    Sai Ram Sathya Sai Ram

    Meaning:O Sai Ram! You are Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Maula, Mahavir and Guru Nanak. You also take the forms of Rama, Krishna and Shiva. You are the essence of the Vedas and the Bhagavad Geetha. You are the God, worshipped by all Faiths.

  2. Eshwaramba Priya Thanaya Sri Sathya Sai
    Nee Divya Charithamu Chadivina Vinina
    Vinina Chadivina Aanandhamu
    Daya Maya Sai Karunamaya
    Karunamaya Karuninchavayya
    Sathathamu Nee Namasmaranamu Maakey (2X)

    Meaning:O Sri Sai, beloved son of Eshwaramba! It gives us great pleasure to read or hear about your great life history! We always chant your name. Be merciful, O Sai!

  3. Eshwaramba Thanaya Sai
    > Daya Choopumu Neevay Sai
    Karunakara Sindhu Sai Ma Mora Vinuma Sai
    Eshwaramba Thanaya Sai
    Prema Swaroopamu Neevu
    > Sathya Dharma Sandeshamu Neevu
    Jagath Rakshaka Sathya Sai Thalliyu Thandriyu Neevay
    Eshwaramba Thanaya Sai
    Sarvantharyami Sai Ma Sarvamu Neevay Sai
    Kannakambaradhara Sai Kaliyuga Daivamu Neevay

    Meaning:Son of Eshwaramba, Bhagavaan Sai, you are the ocean of kindness. Listen to our pleas.You are the embodiment of Love, messenger of Truth and Righteousness, and the protector of the Universe. You are our Mother and Father. You are Omnipresent, God on earth. You are everything to us. The One who wears the orange robe, you are the Lord of the Kali Age.

  4. Hara Guru Naatha Prabhu Guru Naatha
    > Partheesha Naatha
    Sri Sathya Sai Guru Naatha
    Thalli Thandriyu Neevekada
    > Dari Choope Guru Devudu Kada
    Narayana Govinda Mukundha
    > Maku Prapanchamu Neevekada
    Nanda Mukundha Nandaki Nanda
    > Brindavana Chanda
    Sri Sathya Sai Guru Naatha

    Meaning:O Sai, you are our mother and father. You are the One who shows the way. You are our world and you are everything to us. O Lord Sai Krishna of Brindavan, son of Nanda, bless us!

  5. Karunalawala Hey Nandalala
    Ravela Ravela Ravey Gopala
    Brindanabala Hey Gopi Lola
    Manamohana Hey Shyama Gopala
    Madhusoodhana Hey Sai Gopala
    Ravela Ravela Ravey Gopala

    Meaning:O Lord Sai Krishna, why don't you come and grace us? Please do come to us, O one who pleases our minds with joy. Come O Shyama, the darling boy of Brindavan, beloved of the Gopis, and destroyer of the demon, Madhu.

  6. Murali Gana Lola Nanda Gopa Bala
    Ravo Ravo Radha Lola, Radha Lola
    Thretha Yugamuna Seetha Ramudai
    Dwapara Yugamuna Radha Loludai
    Geethanu Thrapina Tharaka Namudai
    Yuga Yuga Manduna Thagu Roopa Dhariyai

    Meaning:We beg Lord Krishna with his melodious flute to grace us with His presence here. He was Rama in Thretha Yuga and Krishna who gave us the nectar of Bhagavad Geetha in Dwapara Yuga. He comes in the appropriate form in each Yuga (age).

  7. O Deva Deva Sri Sai Baba
    Karuninchu Mammu Kaapadavayya (O Deva ..)
    Adharamaina Nee Pada Seva Kalinginchu Maku
    > O Deva Deva
    Sathya Swaroopa Sri Sai Baba
    Karunalawala Brovanga Rava

    Meaning:O Lord Sai Baba! Please be merciful and protective. Help us concentrate on the worship of your feet which are the source of everything. Liberate us, O Lord!

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  8. Palinichavayya Partheeshwara
    Karuninpave Swami Karunamaya (Palinchavayya ..)
    Talliyu Neevay Thandriyu Neevay
    Dikku Leni Variki Daivamu Neevay
    Nee Padamu Nammithi Nanu Brova Vayya (Sai)
    Kanupinchavayya Na Sai Naatha

    Meaning:O embodiment of mercy, protect us with your love. You are our mother and father. You support the helpless ones. We repose our trust at Your feet. Give us fulfillment. Please appear in front of us.

  9. Prabhuvega Rava Prema Swaroopa
    Sharanidhey Swami Karunimpavey Nee (Prabhuvega ..)
    Narayana Hara Govinda Gopala
    Murali Madhava Manusha Bandhava

    Meaning:O Lord, embodiment of Love! We seek your refuge. Won't you come quickly and grace us? O Narayana, Lord Krishna, the protector of us (the human race), please come!

  10. Rajadhi Raja Raja Ghambhira
    Raja Marthanda Raja Kumara
    Rao Rao Gana Manohara
    Pankaja Lochana Parthi Parthi Vihara

    Meaning:O King of Kings, with the prestige and diginity of a King, please come to me, O Lover of music, Lord Sai, who lives in Parthi.

  11. Ravo Ravo Sri Raghu Rama
    Kavoyee Ye Mamu Kodanda Rama (Ravo ..)
    Bhavanashaka Bhadrachala Rama
    Pavana Nama Sri Sai Rama

    Meaning:O Sri Rama! Won't you come to us and protect us? O Rama of the Bhadrachala temple, the destroyer of the cycle of birth and death, help us, O Lord Sri Sai Rama - the one with the holy name.

  12. Sai Namamey Brahmaanandhamu
    > Sai Charanamey Divyaanandhamu
    Sathya Roopamey Nayan Aanandhamu
    Leela Vinodamey Sai Sankalpamu
    Premaanandhamey Sai Sowmya Roopamu (2X)

    Meaning:Sai's name gives great pleasure. Bhagavaan's feet gives us ecstacy. The sight of Sai is a pleasure to the eyes. His play (Leela) with the Universe is His will (Sankalpa). His pleasant appearance represents love and happiness.

  13. Sarva Mangala Nama Seetha Rama Rama
    Sarva Vinutha Shaanthi Shaanthi Daatha Rama Rama
    Kama Krodha Lobha Moha Pasambula
    Kadaku Throsi Kavumayya Rama Rama
    Rama Krishna Govinda Narayana Hara
    Preminchu Palinchu Narayana
    Rama Krishna Govinda Narayana

    Meaning:The name 'Rama' is sacred. He Gives us Peace. Request Him to help free us from the clutches of anger, desire, greed and lust. O Lord! Please protects us and shower your Love upon us!

  14. Sri Ganesha Shivuni Kumara Shritha Jana Vinutha Prabho Prabho, Shritha Jana Vinutha Prabho
    Sri Gana Nadha Sevitha Pada (3X)
    Naa Gathi Neevani Nammithee Sada
    Nagaa Bharana Nanu Daya Ganava [Chorus Only - Sri Ganesha ..]
    Iddhari Thallula Muddu Kumara (3X)
    Bhakthuda Naithini Vadda Jerpara
    Koddi Krupanu Na Kosagi Brovara [Chorus Only - Sri Ganesha ..]
    Prodduga Mana Na Dikku Neevera (3X)
    Makkuvatho Na Madi Nilpithira
    Akkara Seyaka Adarinchara [Chorus Only - Sri Ganesha ..]
    Sajjanna Sadhula Sannutha Charana (3X)
    Gujja Deva Gajashura Harana
    Bojja Vishala Vijaya Gajanana [Chorus Only - Sri Ganesha ..]
    Sri Kailasa Pura Vignesha (3X)
    Mora Vini Kuranatho Mamu Kaavumu Eesha
    Vichitra Vadana Santha Prakasha [Chorus Only - Sri Ganesha ..]
    Sri Sayeeshuni Sevaka Janulamu (3X)
    Sayee Bhajalu Cheyuchu Manayamu (2X)
    Jaya Mida Rava Rayamuna Deva --- Bhakthula Kava [(Everyone) - Sri Ganesha .. (3X)]

    Meaning:O Ganesha, son of Lord Shiva, the One praised by us (your devotees) and the One whose feet we worship! I always believe that you will take care of us. O Lord with the snake ornaments, be merciful to us. You are the darling son of two mothers. I have become your devotee, please take me closer to you. Give me fulfillment by showering a little grace. O Ganesha, whom we chant and praise daylong, you are the only direction we have. I have instilled you in my mind with love. O Lord! You have feet that are worshipped by pious devotees. O Lord of short stature, the One who destroyed the demon Gaja Asura and the One having the big tummy, with the victorious Elephant face! O Vighnesha of the city of Kailas! Please listen to our pleas with kindness and protect us. O great Lord, with wonderous face that radiates with tranquilit, we are the Sai service group. We carry on singing Sai Bhajans. O Lord, won't you grant us success soon?

  15. Sri Rama Ghana Neela Shyama
    Vana Malika Dhama Jana Vinutha Nama
    Rakendu Prathimana Nayanabhi Rama
    Saketha Dhama Sri Sai Rama

    Meaning:We pray to Lord Rama, who is dark complexioned and who wears a garland of tulsi leaves. His eyes reflect the brilliance of the full moon. We pray to Lord Sai Rama.